: Experienced and knowledgeable software developer/architect within the banking/finance and telecom domains.
: My core background and interest is scaleable, networked and (highly) concurrent applications and systems. I have worked with the IP stack in general and protocols on top of that in particular, designing and writing backend services as well as multi-tier web applications.
I am fluent in Java and the J2EE stack, as well as a multitude of the major and minor frameworks and application servers. I have worked extensively with the C/C++ languages, both academically and professionally.
I have worked on linux, Sun Solaris, HP-UX and AIX and am capable in using and administering these (server-)platforms. And obviously I know my way around desktop Windows
: I believe in adherence to design patterns and best practices, in decoupling tiers by strong interface contracts and language and platform agnostic implementations and versioning.
I believe in code that is easily testable, reusable, changeable and extendable. I encourage using tools to quantify these metrics in a codebase and actively and systematically using same tools to raise quality awareness in the team.
I have worked in waterfall projects, agile projects and scrum teams, with test driven design and domain driven design. I have read and written monolithic requirements, epics and user stories, UML.
I strongly believe in and always strive to understand the business domain and language, to enable me to communicate and work efficiently and – if necessary – act as bridge between the business and the development team.
: I prefer quality over quantity. I take pride in responsibility and keeping promises. I enjoy working with smart, creative and humorous people. I continually strive to be one.
“MitID project”: Application architect on the MitID project.
“Realtime 24/7 Clearing engine“: Realtime24/7 is Nets’ implementation of the payments part of ISO20022, as well as supporting and value-add services. Nets hosts the solution for several european countries, and is working on productizing the solution for GIRO Zrt (subsidiary to the Hungarian National Bank). My role has been adapting the standard software package to Hungarian needs, development of value-add services, working on packaging, delivery and installation methods as well as development and bugfixing on the core product.
Technologies: Java 8, Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Vert.x, Hibernate, Oracle 12, Angular, Swagger, bash, Linux, JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket/git
“Nordic Regulatory Control“: A collection of rule engines and browser-based applications to support the Compliance function in managing the KYC (Know Your Customer) process by identifying possible compliance issues and notifying relevant branch offices or backoffice functions.
Technologies: Hadoop (Cloudera distribution) – specifically Spark, HBase, HDFS, Impala, Kafka, Hue, Oozie etc. Webapps built on Weblogic EE, Spring, Vaadin, MS SQLServer, Oracle 12, LiquiBase. Project tools Atlassian suite, Jenkins.
Aiding transition from a AS/400 based software portfolio to Java and Java-technology based software.
Technologies: Java 6-8, Java EE, Spring Framework, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Apache Struts, Resin, DB/2, Jenkins, JIRA, Subversion.
“Investment and Advice Process”: Rebuilding (part of) the FPT advice platform using REST APIs based on existing GWTRPC codebase, and AngularJS based frontend.
“Financial Planning Tool”: Consolidation of advisor applications, design and development of new tracks for said application, data modelling, integration with internal and external service- and data providers, maintenance, configuration management and build management of codebase.
Application continously improved and expanded with pension, retirement, risk insurance, new product areas etc.
Since 2014/06 principal technically responsible for application maintenance development effort, working with offshore External Development Center (L&T InfoTech, India).
“Publication Database”: Migration of external dataprovider integration code to JEE environment, datamodelling, test, development, servicelayer implementation., test, udvikling, servicelayer mv.
“CARE”: Protoype of rich client for HNWI customer advice. Development, integration, refactoring, CI, unit testing, environment configuration, WS API design.
Miscellaneous: Design, development and maintenance of common libraries and services used by the department applications.
Development of various statistics and integration services used throughout.
Participated in establishing continous integration processes for projects, automated deployment, unit test and coverage monitoring, code reviews and mentoring offshore consultants at EDC.
Design and development of services (REST, WS etc) to support other areas of Financial Planning and SWO.
Technologies: Java 1.3/1.4/5/6/7, Java EE, BEA Weblogic 6.1, 8, 10, 11 (MIDAS platform), Microsoft SQLServer, Apache Struts, Spring Framework (2.x, 3.x, 4.x), JUnit, AngularJS, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), GWT-Platform, SmartGWT, CXF, XML/XSLT, REST, WS-*, Apache Commons, Wicket, DevOps/CI: Writing/managing Jenkins/Bamboo, Sonar, Quality Center, JIRA, Subversion, Git, ClearCase and others.
“TSU”: Message/event-based software system for processing, comparing/matching and implementation of workflow for trade document (orders, invoices, transport documents etc.)
Platform: Standalone J2SE components chained by Oracle AQ queues and database persisted workflow-data and state.
Roles: Analysis of “Functional Requirements Spec” and writing detailed architecture/technical design and datamodel. Development of framework, integration, workflow tools, test tools etc. Testing (unit tests, functional test cases). Participated with integration at client’s location.
“SURF”: Design, development and testing of change orders/requested functionality in existing trade document workflow system (SURF).
Technologies: J2SE, Oracle + 10g, Oracle AQ, XML, XML Schema, XSLT, JAXB, DTD, Oracle JPub, Solaris
TDC Plug & Work: Specification, design, development of integration component and infrastructure between www-administrationssystem, RSA ACE Server VPN product, misc backend applications, getAccess ACL system etc. on disparate networks.
Participated in tests and analysis to pinpoint and resolve performance issues.
Technologies: Java, JNI, C, Tomcat, HTTPS, RMI, XMLRPC, XML Schema, Solaris
TDC Business Selfservice platform: Ad hoc participation in several projects (Value Add IN, alivetesting framework, LocalAdministration application, LocalRegistration application, FASIN etc.) Mostly development, maintenance and test tasks.
Technologies: J2SE, J2EE, EJB, Struts/JSP, CORBA, IN-platform (Ericsson), X.509, Spring, Tomcat, servlets/JSP/taglibs, Solaris, Spring
TDC Hotspot: Design, development, test and implementation of TDC Hotspot login portal and integration with RADIUS backend and accesscontrollers. Platform: Tomcat – Java servlets og JSP, taglibs. X509 server-certificates.
TDC Hotspot 2: Participated in analysisgroup for scoping a product extension.
Technologies: J2SE, JSP, Apache/Tomcat, HTTPS/SSL, X.509 certificates, Solaris, Linux
Miscelleaneous: Maintenance and further development of integration component between getAccess and various backoffice and www-client applications (“Selvbetjening Erhverv”, “Single Signon” for private customers etc.)
Technologies: J2SE, CORBA, getAccess, J2EE/EJB, Solaris, Linux, HP-UX etc.
Attended masters-level courses primarily within the computer vision/robotics field, as well as optimizing compilers, algorithmics, parallel computing, programming language semantics etc.
Thesis “Depth and shape from irradiance in parallax barrier cameras”, (in danish)
Mandatory courses covering
- imperative, functional and logical programming languages
- machine architecture, operating systems and kernel programming
- algorithmics and data structures
- databases
- compiler theory
- programming language semantics, lambda calculus, formal verification
- HCI and software projects methodology
Addtional courses in computer graphics, robotics, computer vision as well as extracurricular participation in masters- and PhD level summerschools (scale space, nonlinear diffusion) and conferences (ØRESYN, ALCATECH)
Mandatory courses covering
- classical mechanics
- thermodynamics
- electromagnetism
- quantum mechanics
- linear and nonlinear algebra
- measure and integration theory
- differential equation theory
Elective topics
- optics and lasers
- analytical mechanics, Hamiltonian theory
- microphysics, particle theory